There's huge alpha in saying things that are true. One of the most underrated posting strategies. Most things that people say are not true, and most people don't care all that much about the truth, so "guy who endeavours to be correct" is an underserved market niche.

Of course sometimes Hanania fucks up and says things that are insanely obviously not true, like that Shakespeare didn't write his plays. Whether this is deliberate engagement bait or a sincere attempt at pursuing truth by a guy with a dodgy brain remains unclear. My sense is the latter probably.

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Pretty excellent writing. Makes me think about how excellent it might be if you unblocked me on X. We were moots for over a year, we needn't sever this tie. Cheerio

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Thank you! I sometimes am trigger-happy with blocking people when i’m in a foul mood. I think I get triggered sometimes about people who blackpill a lot on 30s fertility. Regardless, consider it forgotten (unblocked/refollowed)

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Part of the reason I want to trigger people on 30s fertility is because I am approaching 30, and want to self-motivate myself toward marriage and procreation. I agree there's not much point in black-pilling people over 30 on this topic, but I see it as basically inevitable collateral damage of an overall good message. cheerio

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It's an important message but I think require some care to be motivating rather than blackpilling. But in any event it's fine, good luck yourself in your journey towards both!

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It seems like blackpilling can reach a bigger audience, so you have to balance the total audience being reached with the quality of the message. You may want to decrease the quality of the message slightly in order to reach a bigger audience, this can be good and moral in my opinion. controversy sells. curious for your thoughts on that though.

thanks for the well-wishes with respect to my romantic and procreative life! I think I'll do well, and at the same time, I do need to ramp it up in terms of effort and all of that.


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There is some sort of argument like that to be made. But blackpilling can also discourage people and make them thing it's too late and give up. I'm not sure empirically how it shakes out here. I think it's a good message for men in their early 20s to hear maybe.

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Sep 12Liked by shako

I love Richard, and frequently simply can't tell when the man is kidding. But the best tweet of all time is the one about Humpty Dumpty, that apparently has been deleted?


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"Blacks take a lot of pride in crossing guard work" is a pretty weird statement to broadcast to the world. I don't think many people would signal it out as an example of "anti-racism." But maybe I'm missing your point.

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"The reality is a correct right-wing movement in America needs to be built around our uniquely powerful economic engine."

I don't see how this is possible. Libertarian capitalist economics does not promote the maintenance of a powerful economic engine in the long run (see below). National socialism also did not work in the longer run. Is there some other right-wing economy model of which I am aware.


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